Installing 100V Line Systems


  1. When designing your system make sure you plan your speaker layout and cable routing, our advisors can help you with this.
  2. Make sure the total power of the speaker tapping is no more than 90% of the amplifiers total power rating.
  3. The speakers should be wired in parallel, so install the cable with this in mind.
  4. Connect the speakers to the cable making sure they are phased correctly, your speaker cable may be different colours to the cables or connectors built into the speakers, so chose a simple phase system such as red to brown, blue to black etc.
  5. The last step is to connect the speaker cable to the amplifier, a simple single zone amplifier will generally have multiple output connections, for 100v line systems you will connect from the ‘com’ (communal) and ‘100v’ outputs.

For multi zone amplifiers the outputs are usually labeled ‘zone 1’ and ‘zone 2’ etc, in this instance you connect each zone cable to the ‘com’ output and then to the desired zone output.

At this stage you should be ready to test the system.


The fundamental benefit of choosing to install a 100v Line PA systems is that you can connect multiple speakers to a single amplifier, there are four main types of system you can choose:

  1. Basic single zone
  2. Multi tapping
  3. Multi Tapping with Attenuator
  4. Multi Zone Amplifier System

It is important you chose the correct system for the installation, below we have set out diagrams with a guide to the recommended application for each type of system.


A simple 100V system ideal for single zone applications such as offices or reception areas. By substituting the ceiling loudspeakers for four horn loudspeakers the system could be used for outdoor spaces including garage forecourts or goods yards.


Single Zone 100V Line Audio System



Many common applications require the installation to tailor the sound level delivered in different spaces within one installation site, a classic example of which could be a school or large office facility.

The diagram details a single zone system with varying types of loudspeaker set to different power tappings.

The total wattage of each loudspeaker within the installation should be added together, this can then be used to select the correct amplifier for the installation.

The amplifier should have a 10% higher output than the total wattage tappings of the loudspeakers.


100V Line Multi Tapping Speakers



Many installations will require different sound levels delivered in different spaces across one installation site, a classic example of which could be a school or large office facility.

Often within installations across large sites you will require the ability to adjust the volume, or even switch off the loudspeakers within their area. To facilitate this, you may consider using attenuators (volume control units).

The volume control should be selected based on the total wattage of the loudspeakers to be connected.

The diagram details a single zone system with varying types of loudspeaker set to different power tappings, in addition the diagram also shows a number of loudspeakers connected via a volume control.

The total wattage of each loudspeaker within the installation should be added together, this can then be used to select the correct amplifier for the installation.

The amplifier should have a 10% higher output than the total wattage tappings of directly powered loudspeakers plus the total wattage of attenuators.


100V Line Multiple Volume Attenuators



Large installation sites can often require a multi-zone audio system where different combinations of paging or background music are being routed to each zone.

Typical installations for this type of system include hotels, schools and commercial premises where some zones may require 24/7 audio and others only require paging announcements.


100V Line Multi Zone Amplifier System


0203 326 0903